Roland Martin Unfiltered with Erica Ash

Believe in Voting… Be Woke

People of color have a different view of what the American flag means, use your power to register and vote to make a change. The funny Erica Ash jumps on the topics of equality, voter suppression, education and changing the political climate by voting. In this brand-new interview hosted by Roland Martin Unfiltered, we explore the subjects of how to vote, being educated in the voting process and the changing dynamic of The United States. With the midterm deadline around the corner, the time to step up is now. Get registered and vote for your future.

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Be Woke.Vote is a 2019 Webby Award nominated and honored series.

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Created by: Robert Smith, Deon Taylor and AOne Creative LLC. for Be Woke.Vote

Directed by: Deon Taylor & Omar Joseph

Produced by: Roxanne Avent, Heather Kritzer, Suzanne Summerville, Darrick Angelone, Omar Joseph

Executive Producer: Robert F. Smith

Creative Director: Darrick Angelone & AONE.