Roland Martin Unfiltered with Maxine Waters

We Will Not Yield… Be Woke.Vote

In America’s history, people of color have been oppressed, bullied and killed. In 2018, we will not yield under bigotry and racism. Representative Maxine Waters converses on our current President, political bullies, impacting change and becoming registered to vote. In this new interview hosted by Roland Martin Unfiltered, we endeavor into discrimination, fighting for yourself and voting in the midterms. When our current President preaches violence and bigotry to his followers. It is time to fight back through voting. – This is Be Woke.Vote

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Be Woke.Vote is a 2019 Webby Award nominated and honored series.

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Created by: Robert Smith, Deon Taylor and AOne Creative LLC. for Be Woke.Vote

Directed by: Deon Taylor & Omar Joseph

Produced by: Roxanne Avent, Heather Kritzer, Darrick Angelone, Omar Joseph

Executive Producer: Robert F. Smith